Woke Art Fest


In celebration of the series Woke I created Woke Art Fest, an all-day celebration of rising Black visual artists. We commissioned 10 Black visual artists for an all-day social takeover hosted on Hulu’s Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts to spotlight their talent and amplify their voices.

Bad Hair Social Takeover


To support the launch of Hulu’s original film, Bad Hair, we developed a disruptive social media campaign that connected with the target audience and stirred thought-provoking conversation.

Bad Hair 8-bit Game


Embracing the retro vibes of the late 80s, Hulu leaned into stylish throwback themes across all of their marketing creative, which included. a short browser game called “Keep it Together”, where the player must repeatedly style their hair as various unfortunate circumstances continually mess it up.


The first season of Mayans came in hot! I co-directed talent during a Marketing shoot that resulted in footage used for custom stain glass videos, character gallery posters and more. My production of these assets include prepping shot lists, prop lists, character looks and creative directing during the post-production process.

Legion: Irrational Recap


An ode to one of Legion’s most memorable moments, FX placed fans into the Orb seen in the last moments of the season 1 finale to witness a conversation between David Haller and the rational version of himself. The piece served as a recap of key moments fans needed to remember before the kickoff of season 2. An animated story was told behind the two David's on a chalkboard, brining fans deeper in to the show's lore.

Legion: Portraits


Within the world of Legion, the concept of what is real versus what isn’t constantly swirls in all of the character’s minds. This constant battle is enough to drive someone mad. To illustrate the mind bending challenges that each character faces in Season 2, we projected custom footage of smoke, fire and oil onto their faces and animated the assets in a cinematographic style. The motion of the animations paired with the expressions on their faces helped Legion fans to peer into the state of mind of the Legion characters.

@AtlantaFX Tweets


The voice and tone of the Atlanta Twitter account has become an icon of the Twittersphere. During ‘Robbin Season’ (Season 2), I crafted and copy edited all tweets on the account.

Atlanta: Ante Up


The second installment of Atlanta, thematically dubbed Robbin’ Season, was filled with people being cheated, mugged and finessed. Leading up to Robbin’ Season, FX depicted key moments of larceny and defeat by previewing these principal themes in this video series. The visual impact of seeing the show’s primary characters being robbed by random hands was foretelling to the nature of the installment and gave fans strong insight as to what they could expect from the highly anticipated new season, and videos were viewed over 2M times across Facebook & Instagram.

Legion: All In Your Head


Amassing over 2M views across social platforms, fans lost their minds when this video launched the campaign of Legion Season 2. The most shared content of the season, it engaged audiences by breaking the fourth wall and making fans question what they thought was real in Season 1 and reassuring them that what was to come would be just as mind-bending. It’s release organically spurred a press fury and left fans craving more.

"Atlanta" activation at ComplexCon -- Celebrity Engagement


The infamous "Atlanta" couch was placed in an abandoned lot as an activation at the 2017 ComplexCon. Musicians, actors, influencers and other fans stopped by to take boomerang-like photos to commemorate the 2018 release of Season 2. Our team worked to secure influencer shares and retweets, as seen here with Big Sean's retweet.

@RingsMovie Facebook Live Announcement

Video // Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Rather than posting the standard image as a tune-in graphic for our Facebook Live panel with the Rings cast and director, I designed a video that played into the theme and scare tactics of the film. The VHS overlay refers to the tape that when passed, kills characters in the movie. Every few seconds the main character, Samara, glitches into the frame.

"Office Christmas Party" Facebook Live Christmas Tree Burning

VIDEO // Facebook; quick cuts on Instagram and Twitter

This film was released in December, but our window was in March. The comedy has a lot of crazy, out of control moments at an Office Christmas Party. We setup a shoot at an old corporate office, and dressed it up as if it was the back of the building that’s in the movie. The goal was to create a viewing experience that caught the eye of the user scrolling through his/her feed and it ended up being something that and just couldn’t stop watching. We used a unique URL that our target audience would relate to and identify as a part of the joke.

"Arrival" @TwitterMovies Partnership

VIDEO // Twitter

In the film ‘Arrival’ there is a universal language that consist shapes and points. Pre-production filmmakers worked with a linguistic to create an actual language for the film. In an effort to get additional support from our social partners, we had the linguistic create symbols for the each platform. We crafted a post for Twitter and the pushed it through their film platform on the day of our digital release.

"Jack Reacher" Christmas Sing-along

VIDEO // Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Gearing up for the holiday shopping season, this video was a funny way to engage the holiday crowds in a sing-a-long, and make them think of the film. It was a pre-order asset that did so well organically, that we pushed it in a paid campaign through the holiday to increase product awareness.